One of the best in the lot is the quintessential Dutch Treat, a delicious hybrid that’s full of pine notes and delivers a rush of giddiness to both body and mind.
It nails the heavy cerebral high and sinus-tickling flavor Dutch Treat is known for, and features 7.5 percent native terpenes from the fresh bud Heylo used for their CO2 extraction.
Heylo pioneered the Cannastamp, a virtual representation of the prominent chemistry a given product. The designs' outer-ring conveys the terpene information while the inner-ring shows THC:CBD ratio.
The world of extracts? I know nothing, Jon Snow. To correct that, I toured the lab of Seattle cannabis extractor Heylo. Here are five things I took away from the visit.
From farm to table - or dab rig - this beautiful golden CO2 oil captures the essence of the ACDC plant in a strain-specific delicious and highly medicinal Cannabis concentrate.
Among the Cannabis Woman's Alliance’s recent educational offerings included a panel of leading voices in the cannabis industry to discuss the science of terpenes.